Hands Free

We hold hands with Venus de Milo

Slip gold rings from her fingers

While Alexander takes to his bed

He lies there, a new Nelson of Trafalgar travelling pickled in rum

An obese Lazarus praying he’ll yet be spared walking

“tolle lectum tuum”

We empty-handed jugglers of nonsense

Smell encroachment of rats

Who scratch our bound feet, nibble our ears

Stones, happy at the prospect of action, line our pockets

We’ll return hopeful of new life in the glass house

As spirited goldfinches spread distrust in their songs

A bumble-bee heavy with pollen passes

Bundles home against the warm easterly wind

Keep yew a troshin’, mush

Light pours both ways through a closed window


n.b. GloPoWriMo / NaPoWriMo day 5 challenge, (with too complicated instructions to recount here).


Alexander: First name of the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


“tolle lectum tuum”: Latin for “Take up your bed”


Keep yew a troshin’: Broad Norfolk for “Keep going with the threshing” but used as a way to bid farewell, “Go safely”.


CLP 05/04/2020