
Oh no
You can’t walk around
You gotta take an Uber

The receptionist
An Englishman called English
Offered me a lift
Columbus Day celebrations
To feel
A little premature
If not delusional


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 27 Prompt: American Sonnet.

CLP 27/04/2024


Ukraine needs much more than money
Her boys are being buried
Back in Kyiv
More men have been mobilised
Younger men to replace older men
Send more munitions
By any means
But who could re-stock the arms
Of mothers missing sons?


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 26 prompt: Alliteration, consonance, assonance.

CLP 26/04/2024

If Music is the Answer, What Is the Question?

The troubadour rode in
Guitar strapped on his back
Posters pasted around town
Welcomed his return
As did those who knew
Of him from long before

A never-ending tour
Through city and village
Across the country
And around again
He was mostly happy
Mostly all the time

Perhaps he was happiest
When he first left home
Playing in new places
Meeting the new people
Learning of their stories
He found to be profound

In between gigs he wrote
New music
Changed those stories
Into songs
His songbook grew
Became a book of notes

First he sang of love
Then he sang of loss
Then sang of injustice
Which he fought
As a wandering minstrel
Only could

Touring the land
He sang of the wrongs
Unkind people
Cruelty and need
His music exposed
The fierce-held greed

The people longed
For his return
To hear the blues
He played them
Wondered how
They might be freed

He thought of heroes
Leaders from history
And of whom he wrote
Suggesting possibilities
And the crowds came
To sing his words

Over the hills
Along the valleys
He wended his way
Never wanting for food
Nor a bed
In which to stay

Sometimes he woke
Alone at daybreak
Felt the Sun
Upon his face
Arose and followed the track
Left without a trace

Sometimes he woke
Was persuaded
To stay a little longer
Even though the draw
To travel on
Prevented any bonding

His following grew
Attracted attention
From those who
Held the keys
To dreadful gates
No one wants to pass through

One day confronted
Outside city walls
He was shown the ropes
Which clearly warned
He must change
His tunes

Upon injustice
Freedom his muse
What was he to do
His voice would not
Be broken

His way blocked
He travelled on
Under growing clouds
Of fear and doubt
Questioning the power of his music
The attraction of his songs

Was it right
He’d had threats
For putting words
Of the exploited people
Into choruses
And anthems?

Music was his first love
And music was his last
To live without his music
Was impossible to do
In this world of trouble
His music saw him through

He put new words
To his tunes
Took them back to town
But it would not do
Because the people sang
The only words they knew

Leaving early the next morning
He reached a steep ravine
Stopped to take some water
And some cooling shade
Underneath the oak tree
Where he was finally found

First he sang of love
Then he sang of loss
Then sang of injustice
Which he fought
As a wandering minstrel
Only could


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 25 prompt: Proustian questionnaire, or something. * With apologies to John Miles for stealing a verse of his lyrics, from Music.

CLP 25/04/2024

One Frosty Night…

…when the guns were still
I dreamt of trees with leaves
Young men playing cricket
Chatter and laughter at a picnic
Lying face-up beside you
Watching the swifts’ chase
Across vast white pillows
That dwarfed The Mendips
You squirming with delight
Grass tickling your pale thighs


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 24 prompt: One poem from a line from another. This is from ‘Living Sepulchres’ by Richard Aldington (1892-1962) a poet of the Imagist group. He was born in Portsmouth, served in the First World War, was never quite at ease after he returned from the trenches with shell-shock, after which he lived much of his life in France.

CLP 24/04/2024



Perpetuating the myth
One person can save the world
The American Fantasy
Dream on


You too think you can compete
Pound for pound?
Why do you think women’s superpower
Is language?


Anger is an energy
That needs talking out
Love is all
You need


Put food in a bowl
Find a spot in the sun
Let her sleep
We’ve lives to lead


Benevolent aristocrat
Who might fight crime
More effectively
Through wealth redistribution


Life’s a complicated web
That takes time
To untangle
Don’t panic


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 23 prompt: Super Heroes.

CLP 23/04/2023

No Contest

Do you recall the house spider we watched?
The one that devoured the crane fly
Whose body
Was steadily subsumed
Into the tiny bead of the spider
Impossible though it seemed at the time

I have thought of it since
Pondered the mechanics
Of how that bulk of fly
And its panicked buzzy wings
Were compressed
Into digestible essence

Once the fly had been netted
Its attempts to untangle
Sent ripples
Along the threads
And the spider knew
There was fresh food

Picking its way
Along the sticky lines
To the erratic disturbance
It firmly gripped the crane fly
Ignored the rapid beating
Simply began eating

Then all I heard
Were the wings


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 22 prompt: A fight.

CLP 22/04/2024


It wasn’t the light that woke me
It was the absence of traffic
So used had I become to the lorries
Clattering across
The misfitting manhole cover
On that arterial route
Linking warehouses to motorway
It seemed rhythmic
Metal machine music

Now muted

Then the light
Scouring every corner
Of the ill-curtained hotel room
Spinning its short wavelength beams
Round the walls
Stretching and pulling shadows
In rapid rotation


Then the heavy heavy knock
From across the street
And the shout

Armed police officers!
Open the door
Open the door
Armed police officers!

Splintering of wood

I lay on my back
Holding my breath
Staring at the ceiling



n.b. NapoWriMo 2024 Day 21 prompt: colour.

CLP 21/04/2024

Charlton Away

Saturday morning in February
An Azerbaijani barber
Woolwich Road, SE10
Student of Anglo-Saxon
Bemoans the errors
And ill-fortune
Of Edward Godwinson
At Hastings
The military dictatorship
Of William bastardus
The carve-up of the old kingdoms
Enslavement of the people
The castles casting shadows
Over those who built them
Lessons learnt
Taken abroad
By Royal Navy
And Redcoats army
Until America stood up
Welcomed the exiled Paine
The Rights of Man
Applied Common Sense
Broke free

Unlike the English people
Still bowing before the Crown
Still paying rent
To those landlords
Ever since

It was a rubbish haircut
But the best haircut

As for the football
Nothing changes


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 20 prompt: Historical event poem. 14th October, 1066 meets 24th February, 2024.

CLP 20/04/2024


Bluebells rang around the grounds
Dancing in the West Wind
While we sat inside
Listening in black

To his grief-bent son
Both arms locked stiff
Tight-knuckled at the lectern
That shook

He read as best he could
Of his dad, his friend
Who had done his best
Where demons hunt

That broken voice
Matched his heart
Caused him to pause
To catch his breath

His daughter thanked us
Who’d come this far
With him to this place
Now his work done

Tear-burned rosy face
Clearly she spoke
She understood
He was ours too

Such loss, grief and love
Replete with gratitude
So plainly expressed
Confirmed our own

While Chopin was played
We humbly laid yellow rose petals
On his wooden coffin
Before the curtains closed

Bluebells rang around the grounds
Dancing in the West Wind
As we emerged
From black


n.b. NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 19 prompt: Haunted > Hunted. Beyond me today.

House Martin

Flipped from side to side
By bursts of east wind
You looped above the broad
Taking an uncertain path
Like a notebook page
Torn out, discarded
Caught by a stormy gust
On a Chicago street


n.b. First house martin of the year seen on Wednesday, 17th April, South Walsham Broad, Norfolk.

CLP 18/04/2024